I did it!! New Fencing Started
After many attempts I have managed not only to loosen the first, three and a half metre long and about one metre ninety centimetre, fence panel on my own but I also managed to set it up in it’s new position. I decided that when I get my dogs I am adopting from a rescue centre in Lugo that they need more space than I had at first planned for, along with the fact that if I was relaxing under my peach tree I wanted my dogs with me.
So the long and short of it is that I need to extend out from the dog run right across my garden where the peach tree is and up to the house alongside what will eventually be the path to the food forest. This is where my problems started. In order to extend the current area I needed to uproot two panels which were being used to divide the areas around my granary. Not an easy task as I had thoroughly bedded them down into the ground using solid steel rods and re-bar hooks to hold them down.
However, as someone who does not give up easily I tried over several days to loosen things and find the hooks which went right into the ground - difficult to see with all of the grass roots growing over them - and eventually found the hooks, took away the overgrown grass roots and wiggled it a lot to ease it up and over the steel rods. I have to say they are rather unwieldy and it was very difficult to keep it upright as I moved it from one position to another but I did it even using the steel rods again.
Next job is to attach the gate, which will lead me from the garden into (eventually) my food forest, before I can move the next panel.
Fencing Panel - Old Position
This is where I took the fencing panel out - you can see the difference in the height of the grass. It just shows how much rain along with sunshine we have had. I have been concentrating on trying to keep the grass cut on the fencing side to make it easier to put them in.
Fencing Panel - New Position
This is where the new fence is to be, running along to the left. The gate is to be fixed to this panel before more can be added. Behind you can see the plastic which has been there all winter preparing for the first planting of my food forest.