‘Outside-the-Box’ Abstract Art Colouring Books

As Kandinsky's quote says "Colour is a power which directly influences the soul." He is also quoted as saying "Lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting and.... stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to 'walk about' into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want."


I hope that these colouring books full of unique, abstract, undulating images will enable you to reach into your own unknown world, allow you to stop thinking and use the colours automatically as if called from your very soul.

Your choice of colours will bring life to my designs, bring 2D into 3D and, I hope, bring you a sense of great satisfaction.

These hand-drawn abstract designs with curves and straight lines hang together purely by chance. They signify nothing and yet everything. They allow your imagination to run free without the restrictions of it being something that should be red or green or blue. The choice of colour in these designs is always yours and yours alone.

These colouring books are all available as a series on Amazon worldwide under J.M.Neville so, for example, if you use amazon.co.uk your link will be J.M.Neville Colour Me Happy or click on the book covers on the right for a direct link to Amazon.co.uk - for other countries just search ‘J.M.Neville Colour Me Happy’ and you will find them.

If you would like to see how some of these pages have turned out when coloured in please check them out below, it is quite incredible how amazing they can be when coloured in.