Soul Energy Rising

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Published 22.7.22

Losing her left me floundering in my grief. For many the loss of a dog means nothing but the loss of my beautiful Bella, who I rescued at aged three and was with me fourteen years, left me devastated.

The only reason I feel the need to tell you about this is that it was the creation of this volume that help me cope with the emotional turmoil I was experiencing and, if I am honest, finding difficult to cope with.

I know when dogs get to seventeen it is expected they will not be with you much longer but you never really expect it. It is all the little things and the routines established with them over time during each day that bring the memories constantly to the surface.

So thanks to some friendly advice I started on volume five and I have to say it really helped. I have always found art to be a way for me to cope with deeper feelings, losing myself within, creating whatever comes.

This book is the result of coping with her loss.