My Greatest Adventure

This page is about where I am going next. My dream, adventure, learning, creating, all of the things that I know I can do will become a reality. It is also about bringing all aspects of myself together and using them to create my dream. At last I will give the Introvert in me the perfect place to be and to create within nature itself.

Why my Greatest Adventure? Well, it will be my final adventure and one that is all of my making. A decision made by me so that I can do what I have always dreamed of. A farm in Galicia with nature and peace all around me where I would be able to use all natural resources, create something beautiful and allow all living creatures to live together in harmony on my ‘little piece of heaven’.

My home here on Mallorca is up for sale and my next step will be to buy and live on a farm in Galicia. It will be as far as possible self-sustaining and off-grid.

The reasons behind this are many along with the need to do something that I want to do and have dreamed of doing for a very long time. I also long for the peace and quiet of living in the countryside, being at one with Mother Earth and enjoying a wonderful and yet exciting environment.

When coming to Mallorca I wanted a farm in the middle of the island with some land but was talked out of it by many. I understand their reasoning at the time but to this day regret that I was talked into living where all of the conveniences were close by and friends and family did not have to worry about me instead of me living somewhere surrounded by Mother Nature and peace but no accessible conveniences nearby.

Mallorca is far too hot for me now and I have noticed as I have got older I have less tolerance for the heat. I am very lucky in that my apartment is always at least 10 degrees lower inside than the temperature outside and I am able to have all of the windows open allowing the breezes to flow through so I am not dependent upon air-conditioning. I do have fans in several of the rooms but they are only on when there is no breeze outside. This is one of the reasons for a move to Galicia where the temperatures are lower and the seasonal changes are visible. I need to be somewhere with temperatures that are comfortable for me to live in.

I am also in an apartment and although I have a huge terrace it is not conducive to growing all that I want to grow. In Galicia I will be creating a food forest, growing annual vegetables in raised beds, have at least two ponds and a gazebo within the food forest and bee hives. As a vegan I am hoping to be 80% at least self-sufficient, of course some things may have to be bought but I am hoping that all the food I need can be grown on my land. It is a massive undertaking and one I cannot wait to start on. It will also take a few years to establish the food forest but I should be able to start producing an annual food crop within months.

I love the idea of being off grid. Here in my apartment in Mallorca I have at least managed to install a Solar power system for heating the water but other than that it has not been possible to do much more. On my new farm I would like to be completely off grid for electricity and water, using Solar power, wind power and perhaps water power for the electricity and springs or wells for the water - obviously with solar powered pumps. There are so many things available now to help make off-grid life possible I am really excited to begin making it happen.

I would also like to have an art studio for my ceramics and painting with a view to holding workshops. For any visitors I would like to find a place where the possibility of small apartments or a field for tents etc. is there so that they can stay on site for any courses I hold. The stipulation being that the whole complex will be vegan and no animal products are welcome, especially food wise.