Creative Artwork

Creativity is a very individual thing and if you sat twenty artists in a room with a model or still life form, not one of their creations would be the same.  So I, being a very complex individual, have weird and wonderful creations for you either to admire or not.  At long last it is no longer about who likes or does not like my artwork, as just like those twenty artists being different each and every one of us is ‘one of a kind’ and therefore we all have different tastes in everything, including artwork, the important thing for me is to ‘get it out there’.  

To see these creations check out my pages linked below, just click on an image and you will be taken to a page of relevant artwork. From there, if you are interested, it is possible to purchase some of my work - all artwork images have a direct link to my store at Imagekind. My colouring books and journals are available to buy on Amazon. However, my ceramics at the moment are not for sale.

For me being creative is more than artistic, it is about finding ways to create the thought that is in your head whether it is for the home, garden, a person, mankind or mother earth and in whichever medium you wish to use.  

Everything about us comes to us through the creativity of individuals inspired to make changes in the lives of many.

A solution for a thought is creativity at its best.